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Trying to conceive?

Meet Our Families

Read stories from real Illume Fertility patients and find inspiration and hope in the diversity of success. From donor conception to IVF and beyond, our families share their experience with fertility treatment and what they learned on their journey to parenthood. 

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Donor Embryo Stories

Hear about the impact of embryo donation on both the donor and the recipient.

Meet Alana & Jason

After trying to conceive for a year with no success, Alana and Jason turn to Illume Fertility's team of experts for help growing their family.

Meet Alex

Before beginning medical school, Alex decided to be proactive and freeze her eggs at age 27. She also shares her experience with OHSS.

Meet Alicia & Corey

Alicia shared her and her husband's journey through four IUI cycles while navigating some unexpected challenges.

Meet Alison

Growing your family as a single mom can be difficult - but it isn't impossible. Illume Fertility patient Alison shares her story of loss and hope as...

Meet Alyson

After many difficult years of infertility, pregnancy losses, and disappointment, Alyson shares how she and her husband Jared finally found their path...

Meet Alyson & Scott

After receiving shocking news on their fertility journey, Alyson and her husband were advised to move straight to IVF treatment.

Meet Andrea & Ralph

After trying to conceive for years with no success, Andrea and Ralph turned to Dr. Joshua Hurwitz and uncovered a surprising diagnosis.

Meet Angela

Illume Fertility patient Angela shares her fertility journey to her two beautiful babies through medication and IVF - with some difficult challenges...

Meet Anna

After losing their infant son to Alper's Disease, Anna and her husband seek genetic counseling and IVF treatment to help protect their future...

Meet Arianna

Upon discovering she is a carrier for the BRCA gene, one woman discusses her choice to freeze her eggs before undergoing preventative surgery.

Meet Azana

After years of infertility, Azana finally found success with IVF and welcomed her first baby. This is the story about everything it took to get him...

"We are forever grateful to Dr. Murdock and all of the incredible people at Illume Fertility. There aren’t enough words in the world to thank them properly and show our gratitude."

baby girl in pink flower pot sleeping

“We were drawn to Illume Fertility because they were very much aligned with our needs as an LGBTQ+ couple. Many fertility clinics showed images of same-sex couples on their websites, but didn't have anything specific to offer like Illume did.”

lgbtq moms with baby

After 2 unsuccessful IUIs and an endometriosis diagnosis, our baby boy was conceived through our first round of IVF. We’d like to thank all of the doctors and staff, but especially Dr. Richlin, for helping make our dreams come true by bringing our baby boy into the world.

expecting parents walking in forest holding hands

"It was important to us to work with a doctor and a clinic that really embraces the LGBTQ+ community, and it was immediately clear that the entire Illume Fertility team truly derives joy from helping us grow our families."

lgbtq dads with kids sitting on steps

Start Your Own Journey Today

Our team of eight board-certified reproductive endocrinologists are ready to help you create the family of your dreams. Take the first step by scheduling your consult today and learn how Illume Fertility can help you achieve your goals.

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