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Trying to conceive?

you are not alone

Loss Support & Resources

Explore community events, patient stories, and counseling options as you process the tremendous grief of pregnancy or infant loss.

don't suffer in silence

We're Here to Help


1-on-1 Support

Need a listening ear? Book a counseling session with Melissa Kelleher, LCSW, or reach out to Patient Advocate Lisa Rosenthal for free, confidential support at 203-354-1157 or


Honest Conversations

Dr. Alexander Kucherov and former Illume Fertility patients Staci and Emily discuss the trauma of recurrent pregnancy loss and what it's like to reimagine your path to parenthood.

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Community & Connection

Join our community by attending virtual support groups, signing up for our newsletter, or following us on social.


"I had been pregnant twice before, so I couldn't imagine why would this time be different, especially when we had transferred our lowest graded embryo. The reality is, after experiencing pregnancy loss, infertility and failed transfers, I felt deprived of the joy of pregnancy."

"Our wild and wonderful first 2.5 years as parents was also full of loss and heartbreak. We did two egg retrievals, four transfers of six embryos, and had three pregnancy losses after Fiona was born."

"When we had our miscarriage, it was absolutely devastating and so confusing, as we had seen our little growing baby on the ultrasound screen just seven days earlier."

Pregnancy Loss FAQs

When do most miscarriages occur?

Where can I find more support to process what I'm going through?

What are the most common types of pregnancy loss?

What is the most common reason for pregnancy loss?

Why does it seem like miscarriage is more common now?

What is the difference between the terms "miscarriage" and "pregnancy loss?"

What is recurrent pregnancy loss?

What causes recurrent pregnancy loss?

get the support you need

Speak With an Expert

If you have had more than one pregnancy loss or simply want to get more answers about why you're having trouble conceiving, reach out to our team today. Seeking the help of a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist is the best next step to a successful pregnancy.

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