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Trying to conceive?

Fertility Preservation Options

Protect your future fertility with cryopreservation.

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father and baby

Plan for your future, today.

Think about what’s most important to you:


The age you’d prefer to have your first child

Consider financial stability, health, what support you need for raising children and other factors.

The age you’d prefer to have your last child

Plan ahead and imagine what you'd like your ideal future to look like.

Your ideal number of children

Freezing your eggs, embryos or sperm offers you more options and allows you to grow your family when you’re ready - without the pressure of your biological clock ticking. 

Black woman with laptop looking at fertility preservation plans

What We Offer

You have options, regardless of the reason you’re considering fertility preservation. Egg, embryo or sperm freezing can give you peace of mind whether you want a better chance of having children in the future, are facing a cancer diagnosis, planning a vasectomy, or simply aren't ready to begin fertility treatment yet.

Meet Our Families

“I honestly never thought this day would come but because of Illume Fertility, our miracle happened! Because of Dr. Hurwitz and our team, we finally get the chance to be mom and dad.”

“Going through IVF certainly wasn’t easy. So many tears and moments when I wanted to give up but didn’t because there was a part of me that continued to hold onto hope that our time was coming. I’m so glad we never gave up.”

“After 2 unsuccessful IUIs and an endometriosis diagnosis, our baby boy was conceived during our first round of IVF. Thanks to all of the doctors and staff, but especially Dr. Richlin, for helping to make our dreams come true.”

Ready to get started with fertility preservation?

We’re here to help. Your Patient Care Team will guide you every step of the way so you are well-informed, comfortable, and confident in your fertility preservation plan.

Fertility Preservation FAQs

Explore the most frequently asked questions about fertility preservation to get familiar with the process. Still have questions? Ask Nurse Practitioner Monica Moore!

What is the difference between egg and embryo freezing?

What does the egg freezing process look like?

Why would a man choose to freeze his sperm?

How much does egg and embryo freezing cost?

What support does Illume Fertility provide for people going through the fertility preservation process?

How long can frozen eggs, embryos and sperm last?

How many eggs do I need to freeze to achieve a successful pregnancy?

What factors can impact success with egg freezing?

Speak with an expert about fertility preservation today

Our team of board-certified reproductive endocrinologists are ready to help you protect your future family. Take the first step by scheduling your consult today to learn how Illume Fertility can help you achieve your goals.

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